Rami-Rami is way cool , she is a vey inspirational artsist and a great
I love her art ,it is so full of life:)
We also did a picture swap which is on my wall now:)
Grins ,Thanks Rami!
Rami©her player
Kylee-Ummm, what can I say about myself-chuckles
, I love art and love sharing:)
Kylee©his player
Whiteshpeherd- Have you ever met someone and
just know who they are and how they feel, well this is that someone that
I know and relate to on so many levels. "Hugs"
Whiteshepherd©his player
Cheetah-Cheetah is a very nice fur, Christmas
was coming up and I thought it would be a nice suprise to send him a picrure
of himself:)
Cheetah©his player
Purrts-I saw Purrts artwork long ago when I first
found Furrymuck© and we chatted and did a picture swap which was wayyy
cool! I admire his art and skill.
Purrts©his player
Spectrum- I met Spectrum and he is a very cool
Artic Fox, Chuckles, You ought to see him climb into his freezer for a
pizza. He is very unique Fox all the way around:)
Spectrum©his player
Spectrewolf- He is a very special fur, kind and
generous and always up for a good conversation.
Thanks Spectrewolf for being a great friend:)
Spectrewolf©his player
Trevelan-He is a mysterious wondering soul that
is torn between heaven and hell and at constant turmoil to walk the grey
line, very nice guy- His calm in the middle of his inner storms is what
I tried to capture:)
Trevelan©his player
Xianjaguar- I met her in the art room and saw
her beautiful work, I had to try and capture her spots- chuckles. I look
forward to seeing more of her art!
Xianjaguar©her player
Tigerwolf- I met Tigerwolf and was amazed
at how nice and kind he is, he runs his own server and has furry gatherings
all the time. I was honored at a chance to capture him:)
Thanks Tigerwolf for being a really good
Tigerwolf©his player
Ogg - I have to say that Ogg is one of the craziest furs on FurryMUCK.
He told me no one would draw him. Well, from his description alone, I had
to give it a try :) So here is the Pea Green Monkey for everyone to enjoy.
I hope you like my rendition of Ogg.
Ogg © his player
Silent Red - Red is a very nice fur ... her art is awesome, too. I wanted
to do her in a unique style, kind of anime-ish. I think it turned out pretty
Silent Red © her player
Silent Red and Kylee - I drew my future self, Kylee100, fighting alongside
Red. What can I say, I was inspired.
Silent Red © her player
Kylee100 © his player
Redwulf - I bumped into Redwulf and we both decided to explore FurryMUCK.
It was awesome - I met a lot of new furs and saw so many new places. Thanks
a million, Redwulf!
Redwulf © his player
Scotty and Kylee - Scotty is a very special friend on FurryMUCK. His 3D
designs and genius mind make wonderful conversations and interesting stories.
This little Canadian Fox has a lot going for him. The picture is of me
peekin over his shoulder asking questions (as always) and having a few
Scotty © his player
Kylee © his player
Sonarr - A friend on FurryMUCK. I wanted to try my hand at her costume.
I think it turned out pretty cool.
Sonarr © her player
Syvel - Bombur helped me create a game for FurryMUCK players. We hid a
silver paintbrush and the fur who found it and brought it to me would receive
a free drawing. Well, Syvel found it, and here she is. :)
Syvel © her player
Tygger and Kylee - Tygger is an inspiration -- her art is awesome and she
always has time to discuss art techniques. She doesnlt even get mad when
I run around the room and pounce her fluffy tiger tail. I always like to
see what she's drawing, and as you can see, I like to peek at her art ...
thanks, Tygger! Here's a hug!
Tygger © her player
Kylee © his player
Ulrik - I met Ulrik on FurryMUCK and he shared his Coke with me. A very
nice fur, so I had to draw him.
Ulrick © his player
- Zeph was a very cool fur to meet on FurryMUCK. He liked the way I drew,
so I couldn't help myself.
Zeph © his player
TuTail- I was challenged to try and draw this
most interesting of pugs, I had never drawn a pug before so it was an nice
chance to:) I think it turned out pretty cute- grins.
TuTails©his player
Swiftwing- I just met Swiftwing and found
out he was drawing a picture for me, so - I thought I would do the same
for him:) Hugs isn't she cute!
Swiftwing©his player
Nakira- What can I say, I was amazed when I received
an email from Nakira saying that he liked my work. I have always loved
Nakira's art and watched in amazement as he rendered picture after picture
of beautiful and compelling pieces of artwok. Thanks for being there
for inspiration!
Nakira©his player
Gryphon a very cool and nice fellow that
just happens to be a griffen and a cook all rolled into one.
Gryphon©his player
Maskedwolf is a very nice fur who happens
to be a punk wolf or err ska punk, or ermm something like that.
Check out that mowhawk!
Maskedwolf©his player
Art by Kylee Web
layout and quotes by WhiteShepherd.
Page problems/questions? Email: WhiteShepherd